Remko Scha: Research on Automatic Image Generation,
Gestalt Perception and Visualization
Paul B.M. Panhuysen, Jan Lanting and Remko J.H. Scha: "Situasies." Museumjournaal 12, 7 (1967).Remko J. H. Scha: "Visuele patronen volgens formele procedees." In: Paul Panhuysen. Schilderijen, situasies, ordeningssystemen en omgevingsontwerpen. Exhibition Catalogue. Eindhoven: Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, 1978, pp. 38-59.
[English translation by Lucas Van Beeck: "Visual patterns according to formal procedures." In: Paul Panhuysen (ed.): Number Made Visible. The story of the magic square of 8 by Benjamin Franklin. Eindhoven: Het Apollohuis / Breda: Tijdschrift # 11, 1997.]
Remko Scha: "Artificiële Kunst." Informatie en Informatiebeleid 6, 4 (1988), pp. 73-80.
Reprinted in Zeezucht 4 (1991), pp. 29-34; in HTV De IJsberg 12 (November 1996); and in Rob Wiche (ed.): Het Paradoxale van de Oneindigheid, Studium Generale, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, September 1997, pp. 77-82. [English translation: "Artificial Art."]
Remko Scha: "Computer/Art/Photography." Perspektief 37 (1989), pp. 4-10.
Remko Scha: "Computer/Language." Mediamatic 6, 2/3, 1991, p. 95.
Huge Harry: "On the Role of Machines and Human Persons in the Art of the Future." Pose 8 (September 1992), pp. 30-35. [Reprinted in: P. Harmsen, E. Koppelman-Valk and M. Vredeling (eds.): Kunst en Technologie: the Beauty and the Beast? Delft: Eburon, 1992, pp. 67-73.]
Remko Scha: "The Artificial Artist." Natuur en Techniek 60, 7 (1992), pp. 526-539. [In Dutch.]
Remko Scha: "On Art History." In: H. Eberson (ed.): Artificial. Trademark, Amsterdam, 1993, pp. 50-51.
Remko Scha and Rens Bod: "Computationele Esthetica." Informatie en Informatiebeleid 11, 1 (1993), pp. 54-63. [English translation: "Computational Esthetics."]
Rens Bod, Mehdi Dastani, Hub Prüst, Remko Scha and Henk Zeevat (eds.): HCI from a Discourse Perspective. ESPRIT report (Basic Research Action P6296). Human Communication Research Centre, Edinburgh University, 1993.
Rens Bod and Remko Scha: "Deriving optimal network diagrams by means of structural information theory." In: Rens Bod, Mehdi Dastani, Hub Prüst, Remko Scha and Henk Zeevat (eds.): HCI from a Discourse Perspective. ESPRIT report (Basic Research Action P6296). Human Communication Research Centre, Edinburgh University, 1993.
Rens Bod, Mehdi Dastani and Remko Scha: "Solving Proportional Analogies using Structural Information Theory." Preprints European Workshop on Case-based Reasoning, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1993.
Remko Scha and Eric Vreedenburgh: "Vers une autre Architecture." Zeezucht 7, 8 (1994), pp. 6-14. [English translation: "Towards a different architecture."]
P. Dauvellier, E. Vreedenburgh, W. van den Kamer, R. Scha and H. Scholten: Spelregels en toeval als planningsfactoren (STAP). Rapport aan de Rijksplanologische Dienst. 1995.
Joram Schaap: Evolution and Games. (Working with the Formless City.) M.Sc. Dissertation, University of East-London, School of Architecture, 1995. (Supervisor: Remko Scha.)
Dejuan Wang: Studies on the Formal Semantics of Pictures. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Amsterdam. January 17, 1995. ILLC Dissertation Series 1995-04. (Promotor: Remko Scha. Co-promotor: John Lee.)
Yuri Engelhardt, Jos de Bruin, Theo Janssen and Remko Scha: 'The visual grammar of information graphics'. In: J.C.B. Damski and N.H. Narayanan (eds): Workshop Notes Visual Representation, Reasoning and Interaction in Design, Artificial Intelligence in Design '96, Stanford University.
Huge Harry: "A Computer's View on the Future of Art and Photography." In: Si Yuill (ed.): STRUT. An Elevator Publication. Street Level Gallery, Glasgow, 1997. [First presented as a lecture at: Still Photography? The International Symposium on the Transition from Analog to Digital Imaging. University of Melbourne, April 1994.]
M. Dastani: "An Algebraic Approach to Data Visualization." Accolade '96, Dutch Graduate School in Logic, 1996.
M. Dastani: "Computing the perceptual structure of visual expressions." Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID'96), In the Workshop on Visual Representation, Reasoning, and Interaction in Design. Stanford University, California, 1996.
M. Dastani & B. Indurkhya: "An algebraic Approach to Similarity and Categorization." In: An Interdisciplinary Workshop On Similarity and Categorization, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997.
B. Indurkhya & M. Dastani, An Algebraic Model of the Context Effect in Analogy. In the European Conference on Cognitive Science, Manchester, UK, 1997.
Mehdi Dastani, Remko Scha and Bipin Indurkhya: "An algebraic method for solving proportional analogy problems involving sequential patterns." In: Proceedings of Mind II: Computational Models of Creative Cognition (Dublin City University, September 1997), pp. 1- 15.
Yuri Engelhardt, Jos de Bruin, Theo Janssen and Remko Scha: "Spatial semantics: how information is encoded in the structure of graphics." In: Proceedings 1997 Conference on Computer-Human-Interaction.
Mohammad Mehdi Dastani: Languages of Perception. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Amsterdam. December 9, 1998. ILLC Dissertation Series 1998-05. (Promotors: Remko Scha and Peter van Emde Boas. Co-promotor: Bipin Indurkhya.)
Jos de Bruin and Remko Scha: "A Republic of Information Designers." In: Proceedings of Vision Plus 4, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, March 26-29, 1998, pages 14 - 25.
Remko Scha: "De Bouwkunst." In: W.J. de Ridder (ed.): "Het Nieuwe Rode Boekje. Citaten uit het werk van Mau Tse-Toeng. Citaten uit het Boek 'De Onvermijdelijke Culturele Revolutie'." Den Haag: Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming, 1998.
Remko Scha: "Naar een Architectuur van het Toeval." In: Hans Konstapel, Gerard Rijntjes and Eric Vreedenburgh (eds.): De Onvermijdelijke Culturele Revolutie. Den Haag: Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming, 1998, pp. 105-114. [English translation: "Towards an Architecture of Chance."]
Eric Vreedenburgh and Remko Scha: "The Artificial City." In: Flip ten Cate (ed.): De Vrije Ruimte. Nieuwe Strategieën voor de Ruimtelijke Ordening. Amsterdam: Stichting Ontwerpen voor Nederland, 1998, pp. 154-155. [In Dutch.]
Mehdi Dastani, Bipin Indurkhya and Remko Scha: "Modeling Analogical Projection based on Pattern Perception." Proceedings of the Conference on Evolutionary Language Engineering "Learning to Behave", Belgium, 2000.
M. Dastani and B. Indurkhya: "Modeling context effect in perceptual domains." Proceedings of CONTEXT'01: Third International Conference on Modeling and Using Context. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer Verlag, 2001.
Mehdi Dastani, Elena Marchiori, and Robert Voorn: "Finding Perceived Pattern Structures using Genetic Programming." Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2001.
M. Dastani and B. Indurkhya "Discovering pattern structures: interaction between analogical reasoning and perception." (Extended Abstract.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Model-Based Reasoning, 2001.
Remko Scha: "Readymades, Artificial Art, New Media." In: Annette W. Balkema and Henk Slager (eds.): Exploding Aesthetics. L&B Series of Philosophy of Art and Art Theory, Vol. 16. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi, 2001, pp. 40-47.
Jörg von Engelhardt: The Language of Graphics. A framework for the analysis of syntax and meaning in maps, charts and diagrams. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Amsterdam. September 13, 2002. ILLC Dissertation Series 2002-03. (Promotors: Remko Scha and Peter van Emde Boas.)
Mehdi Dastani: "The Role of Visual Perception in Data Visualization." Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol 13, no. 6 (2002), pp. 601-622.
Jos de Bruin and Remko Scha: "Algoritmische architectuur is toegepaste toevalskunst." Automatisering Gids, April 25, 2003, p. 17.
Jos de Bruin and Remko Scha: "Algoritmische kunst spot met museale waarden." Automatisering Gids, March 14, 2003, p. 15. [Reprinted in: Cees de Boer (ed.): Concrete Kunst & Mathematiek. Reader for an International Symposium at the Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, 25 October 2003.]Mehdi Dastani and Remko Scha: "Languages for Gestalts of Line Patterns." Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Vol. 47 (2003), pp. 429-449
Mehdi Dastani, Bipin Indurkhya and Remko Scha: "Modeling Analogical Projection in Pattern Perception." Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 15, no. 4 (2003).
Remko Scha:"Aesthetics, Chance and Music," Spring 1985.
Remko Scha: "Formal Esthetics and Psychology of Perception," Fall 1991.
Remko Scha: "Art, Chance and Algorithm," Fall 1992.
Remko Scha and Alcedo Coenen: "Process Music," Fall 1993.
Remko Scha and Mehdi Dastani: "Formal Models of Gestalt Perception," Spring 1995.
Mehdi Dastani, Yuri Engelhardt and Remko Scha: "Formal Perspectives on Visual Representation," Spring 1996.
Jos de Bruin, Mehdi Dastani, Yuri Engelhardt and Remko Scha: "Automatic Visualization," Spring 1997.
Mehdi Dastani and Remko Scha: "Automatic Visualization," 1999.
Remko Scha: "Algorithmic Art and Artificial Intelligence," 2001 / 2002 / 2003.
Het programma van het Apollohuis. Apollohuis, Eindhoven. October 28, 1980.Art without Artists. CEIA, San Francisco. April 11, 1987.
Het Verschiet. Jacquard Lecture. INKA Digital Arts, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, 1988.
Fotografie/Computer/Kunst. Symposium Digitale Diagnose. Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam. October 20, 1989.
Chance Art, Formal Grammars and Perception Theory. Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Faculteit Kunst, Media en Technologie, Utrecht. December 6, 1989. With a concert by The Machines.
Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Art. Open University, Utrecht. January 10, 1990. With Greta Monach, Jaap van den Herik, and Hans Boehm. [Cf. Jacobijn Sandberg: "De match tussen mens en machine. Computerschaak inzet weddenschap." NRC Handelsblad January 11, 1990.]
Künstliche Kunst. Technische Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Architektur, January 17, 1990. (Symposium "Intuition und Logik", organised by Galerie und Architekturforum Aedes.) With a concert by The Machines and lectures by Kas Oosterhuis, Fritz Zabransky and others.
The Synthetic Dimension. De Zonnehof, Amersfoort. October 13, 1991. With Joost Meuwissen en Kas Oosterhuis.
The Landscape of the Voice. Kaaitheater, Antwerp, March 6, 1995. With Hannah Bosma and others.
Algorithmic Literature. The World Series on Culture and Technology. ACS-i Video-Conference. Techniek Museum, Delft, October 19, 1995. (With Huge Harry, Louis Stiller, Dirk van Weelden and Victor Wentink.)
Creativity. University of Utrecht, Faculty of Philosophy. February 15, 1996. With Pieter Adriaans, Paul Crowther, Dirk van Dalen, Sybren Polet.
Future Moves. Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam. September 24, 1996. With video demonstration about computer-controlled facial expression.
Dynamic Space vs. Interactive Narrative; Algorithmic Art and Interactivity. International Semiotic Congress Culture/Sign/Language. (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Semiotik & Nederlandse Vereniging voor Semiotiek.) August 5 - August 9, 1996, University of Amsterdam. With live demo by Artificial.Medium X Message. Haags Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag, November 30, 1996. With Justin Bennett, Jouke Kleerebezem, Daniëlle Kwaaitaal, Ilona Lénard and Kas Oosterhuis. Chair: Ineke Schwartz. Live demo by Artificial.
Infinity through the Computer. With demos by Artificial (Remko Scha and Boele Klopman), the Wishing Well (Lars Eijssen and Boele Klopman), and Ima Traveller (Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen). University of Leyden, Studium Generale. October 14, 1997.
Digital Travels in Virtual Landscapes. With live demo by IMA Traveller (Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen). Zeebelt, Den Haag, December 4, 1997. (With a lecture by Cees de Boer about Max Ernst and Arcadia.)
Computer-supported live-interview by Willem van Weelden. With live demo by Artificial. De Balie, Amsterdam. January 24, 1998. (Orville Weekend.)
Artificial Art, Dynamic Design, Artificial Architecture.![]()
Symposium "Research in Motion". Technological University Delft, Faculty of Architecture. March 27, 2001. Live demo by Artificial.PC; video presentations of Algorithmic Facial Choreography and Artificial Architecture (Penthouse Project Witte de Withstraat).
Lecture series Algorithmic Art and Artificial Intelligence. With demos by Artificial (Remko Scha and Boele Klopman), the Wishing Well (Lars Eijssen and Boele Klopman), and IMA Traveller (Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen). May 10 June 21, 2001. Frank Mohr Institute, Groningen.
The Sonic Acts Symposium on Art, Programming and Teaching. Royal Conservatory, The Hague. December 10, 2001. Contributions by Paul Berg (Royal Conservatory, The Hague), Arthur Elsenaar (Frank Mohr Institute, Groningen), Bas Haring (Leyden University), Remko Scha (University of Amsterdam), Taco Stolk (Art Academy, The Hague), and others.
Media Massage Symposium, ArtEz Digitaal Atelier A.DA. "De Proosdij", Zwolle. April 19/20, 2002. Presentations by Sher Doruff, David Garcia, Carlos Guedes, Dirk Heylen, Heiner Holtappels, Bruno Martelli, Ruth Gibson, Pieter Baan MY¨ller, Caroline Nevejan, Anne Nigten, Remko Scha, Tjebbe van Tijen, Willem Velthoven, Johan Visser, Femke Wolting.
Lecture Series: History and Philosophy of New Media Art. Frank Mohr Institute, Groningen. May 7/14/ 21/ 28, 2002.Symposium Grensvervaging (On the Boundary between Art and Science), Leyden University. May 30, 2002. Lectures by Theo Jansen (Artifauna), ORGACOM, Remko Scha (Artificial Art), Joost Rekveld & Taco Stolk, Marjolein de Groen & Peter Jordaan (The Building), James McAllister.
Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha: "Electric Body Manipulation as Performance Art: A Historical Perspective." Lecture. October 2, 2002. Symposium "Kunst en Wetenschap". Bèta-Gamma Lustrum 2002, University of Amsterdam.Growth and Construction as Process. Lecture by Remko Scha with live demo's by Erwin Driessens & Maria Verstappen (IMA Traveller) and Jochem van der Spek (Living Concepts). [Symposium Concrete Art and Mathematics, 25 October 2003, Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort. Chair: Cees de Boer. Contributions by Albert van der Schoot, Susan Tebby, Rinus Roelofs, Remko Scha, Semir Zeki, Marlena Novak & Jay Alan Jim.]
September 25, 2004. Conference Sonic Acts, Paradiso, Amsterdam. Remko Scha and Artur Elsenaar: The Institute of Artificial Art Amsterdam. Also: lectures by Driessens & Verstappen, Casey Reas, Rutger Wolfson and others.
Remko Scha & Jos de Bruin: "Algorithmix # 6 (Swarte Wech). " In: Cor Wetting (ed.): Passages. Leeuwarden: Sprezzatura, 2005; pp. 16-19.
Remko Scha: "Het algoritme als kunstwerk." In: Boekman 58/59 (Spring 2004), pp. 45-51.
19-20 May 2005. DRN 2005 Symposium (Design Research in the Netherlands), Technological University Eindhoven. Lecture by Jos de Bruin about Artificial Design.
April 1, 2005. San Francisco Art Institute. Huge Harry: "Towards a Digital Computer with a Human Face." Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha: "On Electric Performance Art and its History." Award Ceremony for the "Leonardo Award for Excellence" 2003, won by Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha for their article "Electric body manipulation as performance art" which appeared in: Nicolas Collins (ed.): Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 12 (2002), pp. 17-28.
September 28 - October 3, 2005. NAMAC, Philadelphia. Thursday, September 29: Panel on Technological Body Extension Art, chaired by Ellen Zweig. With Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha.