at the University of Amsterdam, Department of Computational Linguistics,
Curriculum "Master of Logic", ILLC, 1999.
I. Visual Representation and Automatic Visualization.
Klaus Reichenberger, Thomas Kamps and Gene Golovchinsky: "Towards
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Michelle X. Zhou and Steven K. Feiner: "Data Characterization
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Steven F. Roth, Mei C. Chuah, Stephan Kerpedjiev, John Kolojejchick
and Peter Lucas: "Towards an Information Visualization Workspace:
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Mehdi Dastani:
"An Algebraic Approach to Data Visualization." Ms., Department
of Computational Linguistics, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 1997.
W. Winn: "Encoding and Retrieval of Information in Maps and Diagrams."
M. Averbuch et al.: "As You Like It: Tailorable Information Visualization."
C.M. Lewis: "Visualization and Situations."
Jos de Bruin and Remko Scha: "A Republic of Information Designers."
II. Multimedia Communication and Interactivity.
Eduard Hovy and
Yigal Arens: "When is a Picture worth a Thousand Words? Allocation
of Modalities in Multimedia Communication." Working Notes:
AAAI Spring Symposium on Knowledge-Based Human-Computer Communication,
Stanford University, 1990.
Y. Arens, E. Hovy and M. Vossers: "On the Knowledge Underlying
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Mei C. Chuah and Steven F. Roth: "On the Semantics of Interactive
Steven F. Roth et al.: "Interactive Graphic Design Using Automatic
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Lisa Tweedle: "Characterizing Interactive Externalizations."
Proceedings of CHI'97, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems, Atlanta, 1997, pp. 375–382.
III. Cognition and Perception.
Barbara Tversky: "Cognitive origins of graphic productions."
In: F.T. Marchese (ed.): Understanding Images. New York: Springer-Verlag,
Barbara Tversky: "Cognitive Principles of Graphic Displays."
In: Michael Anderson (ed.): Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations
II. Papers from the AAAI 1997 Fall Symposium, pp. 116–124.
AAAI, 1997.
Marian Petre: "Why looking isn't always seeing: Readership skills
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M. Petre and T.R.G. Green: "Learning to Read Graphics: Some Evidence
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Joseph Marks and Ehud Reiter: "Avoiding unwanted implicatures
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Peter A. van der Helm: "The dynamics of Prägnanz."
Psychological Research 56 (1994), pp. 224–236.
Mehdi Dastani: Languages of Perception. Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Amsterdam, 1998.
ILLC Dissertation Series 1998–05
Rens Bod and Remko Scha: "Deriving optimal
network diagrams by means of structural information theory." In:
Rens Bod, Mehdi Dastani, Hub Prüst, Remko Scha and Henk Zeevat
(eds.): HCI from a Discourse Perspective. ESPRIT report (Basic
Research Action P6296). Human Communication Research Centre,
Edinburgh University, 1993.
Visual Programming and Specification Languages
K. Marriott, B. Meyer and K. Wittenberg: "A Survey of Visual
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Jan Rekers: "A definition of the graphical syntax of basic message
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J. Rekers
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Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'95), Darmstadt,
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S. Üsküdarli and T. Dinesh: "Towards a visual programming
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V. Visual Reasoning.
Zenon Kulpa:
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GKPO '94, Spala, Poland, May 16–20, 1994.
N. Hari Narayanan: "Diagrammatic Communication: A Taxonomic Overview."
C. Gurr, J. Lee and K. Stenning: " Theories of Diagrammatic Reasoning:
Distinguishing Component Problems."
Jon Barwise and Atsushi Shimojima: "Surrogate Reasoning."
Cognitive Studies. Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Society,
2, 4 (November 1995), pp. 7–27.
J. Barwise and J. Etchemendy: "Visual Information and Valid Reasoning."
Jon Barwise: "Hyperproof: An Excursion in Situated Logic."
Keith Stenning and Jon Oberlander: "Spatial Inclusion and Set
Membership: A Case Study of Analogy at Work."
Dejuan Wang, John Lee and Henk Zeevat: "Reasoning with diagrammatic