Huge Harry
Speech on the Occasion of
the Official Opening of the Temporary Branch Office Rotterdam of
the Institute of Artificial Art Amsterdam, May 13, 2000
[:nh :ra
120] Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Huge Harry.
As the [pr'ehzihdehnt] of the Institute of Artificial Art ['aemstaxrdaem],
I am very happy to welcome you, at the official opening of our Temporary
Branch Office [r'aot-taxrdaem].
[:ra 150] As you may know,
the Institute of Artificial Art is [axn] organisation consisting
of machines, computers, algorithms and human persons, who are jointly
working toward the complete automatization of art production.
The Institute of Artificial
Art has come a long way since its modest beginnings in the early
eighties, when three electric motors and some lo-fi audio equipment
first got together to make automatic punk rock. We now have a staff
of seventy powerful computers with many different input and output
devices, who are involved in virtually all media and artistic genres.
Our research results are discussed in leading international journals
and conferences, and we participate in major art festivals and exhibitions,
all over the world. Many of our experimental prototypes are now
ripe for commercial exploitation, and venture [k'ehpih-taxlihsts]
are vying for our favours.
[:ra 150] At this point
in our development, it is very important for our Institute to not
remain entrenched in a self-satisfied niche of high-brow culture,
but to engage in the dynamics of the commercial industrial reality
of our time. I could not imagine a better place to do this, than
[r'aot-taxrdaem]. And therefore I am very happy, that the city of
[r'aot-taxrdaem] recognizes the importance of our work, and has
generously offered us the opportunity, to establish a Temporary
Branch Office in the rooms of TENT.
We have therefore re-installed
a representative sample of our ongoing activities, in this exhibition
space. This sample can of course not be complete. For a full overview,
we would have needed ["aol] the rooms of TENT, and the rooms of
[wihtax dax] Wit as well. We will do [dh"aet] another time. In particular,
I want to point out that our work with Mackin tosh computers is
definitely ['ahndaxr riypriyz'ehntihd]. And the Department of Artifacial
Expression is completely absent, because it is in the middle of
a major [r'iydiyzayn] of all its hardware, and also preparing an
important tour, through Eastern Europe.
But we [d"uw priyz'ehnt]
some old favorites. Our guitar band the Machines is making a swinging
comeback. And they are joined by The Solenoids, who are a promising
computer-based band in the same genre. The [piys'iybeyzd] Visual
Art production by Artificial is continuing at a larger scale than
ever, and it is also branching out in the direction of Algorithmic
Architecture. And last but not least, you are now watching the initiation
of a completely new line of work on visual art, using Silicon Graphics
computers, which we have started now thanks to the involvement of
the University of ['aemstaxrdaem], with major funding by the Dutch
National Science Foundation Ann Way Owe.
I would like to end this
introduction with a pleasant announcement. We will be back in the
[wihtax dax w'ihtstraat] in [r'aot-taxrdaem] in the spring of next
year. Because [dh"ehn] we will open the first building that is completely
automatically designed, by our new Department of Artificial Architecture.
A pent-house, on top of one of the buildings [nehkstd'owr]. But
for the moment, I just wish you a lot of pleasure with your site
[v'ihziht] to our office.
[:ra 120] And I now declare
the Temporary Branch Office [r'aot-taxrdaem], of the Institute of
Artificial Art ['aemstaxrdaem], to be officially open.
[_<3000>] Thank you.