IAAA        Huge Harry       Department of ArtiFacial Expression       The Solenoids    

  The Mute Interview: Huge Harry talks to Eric Kluitenberg about society, politics and art

The Robot Rights Rally on September 19, 1996 on the Waagplein in Groningen featured a political speech by Huge Harry, and • algorithmic facial choreography by the IAAA Department of ArtiFacial Expression (with Joop van Brakel as the Human Face of Huge Harry) • algorithmic music by The Solenoids on electric guitars and bass guitars and 2 Trimpin-Vorsetzers on pianos
• algorithmic video-mixing with projections on 3 screens.

"Robot Rights!"

MAX/DECtalk code of Huge Harry's opening words at the Robot Rights Rally.

#P message 156 62 392 196617 \; h [:nh :ra 120] Good Evening! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, ladies and gentlemen! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, [trehns'ehkshuwaxlz] and [hxaxrm'ehfrowdayts]! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, main-frames\\\, [m'iyniyz]\\\, [m'aykrowz]\\\, work-stations and lap-tops!;

#P message 156 107 319 196617 \; h [:ra 140 ] Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, mackintoshes\\\, and [piy s'iyz]! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, suns\\\, indies\\\, [aat'aariyz]\\\, [aam'iygaaz]\\\, and commodores! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, ['ihntehlz] and mow [towr'owlaaz]!;

#P message 155 151 344 196617 \; h [_ ] Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, [m'iydiy] pianos and [m'iydiy] guitars! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, video-cameras\\\, monitors and projectors! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, video-recorders and audio-recorders! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, microphones\\\, amplifiers\\\, mixers and loud-speakers!;

#P message 154 206 336 196617 \; h [_ ] Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, portable phones\\\, printers\\\, [k'aopiyaxrz]\\\, and fax-machines! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, [r'eydiyowz] and television-sets! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, cars and [m'owtaxr-s`aykelz]! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, wheel-chairs and artificial hands! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, pace-makers and hearing-aids!;

#P message 155 275 340 196617 \; h [_ ] Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, dish-washers\\\, laundry-machines\\\, refrigerators and vacuum-cleaners! Good ["iyvnihnx]\\\, ["aevriybaodiy]!;

#P message 155 306 398 196617 \; h [_ ] Welcome to the show! [w"ehlkahm]\\\, to this secret corner! [w"ehlkahm]\\\, to this remote city! [w"ehlkahm]\\\, to [ghxr'ownihnxaxn]! [w"ehlkahm]\\\, to the [w'aaghxplehihn]!;

#P message 155 348 247 196617 \; h [_ ] [w"ehlkahm]\\\, to this [hxihst"aorihkaxl] event\\\, that will change the [hx"owl] world forever.;

#P message 154 373 278 196617 \; h [_ ] [tuwn'ayt]\\\, we celebrate the beginning of a new era. [tuwn'ayts] the night\\\, when the machines of the world begin to speak out. And we will [n"ehvaxr] shut up again!;