IAAA             Department of ArtiFacial Expression              Huge Harry      

Hanneke Groenteman interviews Huge Harry

Excerpts from Luuk Bouwman's film:
"Huge Harry and the Institute of Artificial Art." (2000)

Featuring Huge Harry's "human interface" Arthur Elsenaar.

Hanneke Groenteman interviews Huge Harry about his childhood at the MIT Speech Laboratory. Hanneke Groenteman interviews Huge Harry about his human interface Arthur Elsenaar. (Including footage from a performance by Arthur & the Solenoids @ Expo Center Hengelo, 1999.)
Hanneke Groenteman interviews Huge Harry about a live television concert by "The Machines" in June 1983. ("Aanvallen van Uitersten"; video by VPRO television.)
Hanneke Groenteman interviews Huge Harry about his opera career. (With a fragment from the opera "Pearl Harbour" by Victor Wentink and Remko Scha.)